Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Passive Sentence

This is the last topic.Thanks for visiting friends hope this blog can benefit us all. I also apologize if there is a shortage on my blog, criticism and suggestions are very significant that this blog is getting better.

Use of Passive

Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Example: My bike was stolen. In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.

Narrative Text

Next topic..! Who remember the meaning of narrative text?
if no remember, let's study the following material..

 Narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain readers.Other function of narrative text is for education.

Generic Structure

  • Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters, setting and time of the story are established.
  • Complication : When the problems in the story arise an involves main character.
  • Resolution : The problems are solved (better or worse).